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Science Project  

What Natural Insecticide is most Affective Against Crickets?

Researched by Austin H.


The purpose of this experiment was to determine what natural pesticide is most effective in killing crickets. 
I became interested in this idea when I heard about the possibility of banning synthetic pesticides being banned from the market, due to safety issues. 
The information gained from this experiment will benefit society by keeping insects to a minimum while minimizing pollution of the environment.


My hypothesis was that Wormwood would be most effective against the crickets.
I based my hypothesis on the fact that many agricultural web sites recommended that Wormwood be used. 


The constants in this study were:
1> The type of crickets used in the experiment.
2> The temperature used to store the crickets.
3> The temperature used to store the pesticides.
4> The number of crickets used.
5> The amount of food given to the crickets.
6> The container used to store the crickets.
7> The place the experiment was conducted.
8> The time of day all measurements were taken.
9> All water is to be distributed the same way.
10>All crickets will be purchased from the same retailer.

The manipulated variable was the type of pesticide used on each group of crickets. 
The responding variable was the number of surviving crickets. 

To measure the responding variable was the percentage of crickets that survive the pesticide after one hour, 3 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours and 48 hours after pesticide administration. 

1 1 oz. Pyrethrum 
1 1 oz. Wormwood Powder
1 1 oz. Rosemsary
12 Containers for containing the crickets 
1 Week for mail orders to arrive


1. Gather all materials.
2. Put 15 crickets in each of 12 containers.
3. Note time and temperature
4. Set aside 3 containers as control groups
5. Measure out 1 gram of Pyrethrum for each test group
6. Put 1 gram of Pyrethrum in each of the 3 test group one containers. 
7. Measure out 1 gram of Wormwood for each container in test group 2.
8. Put 1 gram of Wormwood in each of the 3 test group two containers.
9. Measure out 1 gram of Rosemary for each test group
10. Put 1 gram of Rosemary in each of the 3 test group three containers.
11. Record again at 2 hours.
12. Record again at 4 hours.
13. Record again at 6 hours.
14. Record again at 8 hours.
15. Record again at 10 hours.
16. Record again at 12 hours.
17. Record again at 14 hours.
18. Record again at 16 hours.
19. Record again at 18 hours.
20. Record again at 20 hours.


The original purpose of this experiment was to determine what natural pesticide is most effective in killing crickets. 
I became interested in this idea when I heard about the possibility of banning synthetic pesticides being banned from the market, due to safety issues. 
The information gained from this experiment will benefit society by keeping insects to a minimum while minimizing pollution of the environment.


My hypothesis was that Worm Wood tree oil would be most effective against the crickets.
The results indicated that this hypothesis should be rejected because the pyrethrum was far more effective then the Wormwood. 
Because of the results of this experiment, I wonder if they should try to produce Pyrethrum on a larger scale to more effective 
If I were to conduct this project again I would have done more trials with each amount of insecticide



Crickets are common insects that can live almost anywhere.  They have long been considered good luck charms and their chirping is known worldwide as beautiful background music. 
Natural insecticides have been used for over 5000 years and have always been an effective way to rid crops of annoying pest while not polluting the environment.


This insect’s basic anatomy is the same as any insect with the usually head with antennae, head, thorax and abdomen.  They produced their trademark chirping sound by rubbing a ridge on the back on their hind legs on a ribbed part on their wing. 
The house cricket was introduced from Europe and is about 3/4" in long, light brown to yellowish in color with dark bands behind its head.  Field crickets are about 1" long and live mainly outdoors but will still become pests in the house when it gets colder, but usually they cannot adapt in the inside and will die.
Cricket females lay their eggs singly, house crickets in cracks and crevices and field crickets in the soil.  The eggs wait out the winter in egg form until spring. Upon hatching they will molt 5-9 times before they are mature. 

Caring for Crickets

If you ever want to have crickets as pets there are a few things you want to do if you ever want them to live longer then a few days.  First you need to have a proper cage for them; you may want to have a screen on top on the cage to have good circulation but while not letting them to jump out.  The usually way to give them water is to cut a sponge into _ and wet it with tap water.  They eat fresh fruits and vegetables such as carrot’s, tomatoes that are sliced and evil pizzas that want to take over the world. 


The Pyrethrum flower is a perennial plant that’s normal life span is about 3 years and can grow up to 15 in. high.  Pyrethrum extract is the natural extract from the pyrethrum flowers. The extract contains about 25% of the active pyrethrins that make it effective. The Pyrethrum flower provides good protection against mosquitoes, by doing so it helps prevent diseases such as malaria and Yellow fever.  Pyrethrum is effective because it almost instantly attack the nervous system in insects and causes nearly instant death.

Neem Tree Oil

The Neem Tree is a species of African tree that has been used for medical purposes for over 5000 years.  It has many properties such as anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory.  It’s kernels though, when crushed and turned in oil, is a very effective insecticide.

Advantages of Organic farming

Organic farming is becoming more and more widely used recently because of the way insecticides have been so harmful to the environment, such as all the run off pesticides into rivers and polluting the food they are spraying.  If more people would which to organic farming many researchers believe that the overall populace would be healthier and would be at a much less risk of becoming poisoned by toxins used for farming.


"Crickets" Microsoft Encarta 2000

"Crickets" World Book Encyclopedia, Pages 1130-1132 

"Organic Farming" World Book Encyclopedia

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