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1000 Science Fair Projects with Complete Instructions

Attribution: This is a cached copy of a third party project. Many of these sites are from 20 years ago and the majority are no longer running. We show only the first page of the project. We do not save all pages since copyright belongs to the third-party author.
Speed of Sound

Speed of Sound

You can measure the speed of sound the same way you measure the speed of a runner, with a stopwatch on a closed track.

  • Find a place where you can hear a good echo, and stand a known distance from whatever the sound is reflecting off of.
  • Fire a starter's pistol and start the stopwatch. Stop the watch when you hear the echo.
  • Divide 2 times the distance (it's a round trip) by the time to get the speed.

At 21 degrees C (70°F), you should get 344 meters per second, or 1129 ft per second. At freezing, the numbers are 331 m/s or 1087 ft/s. The proper formula for the change in speed due to temperature is:

Where T is degrees Celsius. The works out to about a 0.1% change per degree Fahrenheit.

The Speed of sound in water is 1480 m/s or 4856 ft/s. More than 3000 miles per hour.

There is a project under way to take the earth's temperature by measuring the speed of sound between the USA and Australia.