Cooking Spray Showdown

Let's see which cooking spray works best when baking cookies! We'll compare name brand, supermarket brand, and no spray at all. We'll use a scale from 1-4 to rate the performance of each spray.
The hypothesis is that name brand cooking spray will work the best, supermarket brands will be a close comparison, and that any amount of spray will work better than none at all.
Method & Materials
You will make a chocolate cookie recipe, spray cookie sheets with different sprays, drop cookie dough on the sheets, bake the cookies, and record the data.
You will need a chocolate cookie recipe, all ingredients needed to make dough, utensils, 4 cookie sheets, 1 can of Pam, Crisco, and Stop & Shop cooking sprays.
The data indicates that name brand cooking sprays work the best when baking cookies. Crisco and Pam cooking sprays received a 4, Stop & Shop spray received a 3, and no spray received a 2.
Why do this project?
This science project is interesting because it shows how different cooking sprays can affect the outcome of a recipe.
Also Consider
Experiment variations to consider include using different recipes, different brands of cooking spray, and different amounts of cooking spray.
Full project details
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