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1000 Science Fair Projects with Complete Instructions

Statistics and Probability are all about analyzing data and making sense of the numbers. By using statistics, we can learn about patterns and trends in different fields, from sports to economics to medicine.
Does Sample Size Matter?
Statistics & Probability Science Fair Project
Do you want to find out if the number of people you survey affects the accuracy of the results?
Predicting Earthquakes
Statistics & Probability Science Fair Project
Can we use past data to predict earthquakes? Join us as we explore the patterns of the past to see if we can predict the future!
Rolling the Dice: Probability
Statistics & Probability Science Fair Project
Learn how probability works by rolling dice and seeing what numbers come up!
Streaks in Baseball: A Mystery?
Statistics & Probability Science Fair Project
Have you ever wondered why baseball teams sometimes go on winning or losing streaks? Let's find out if it's just luck or something else!
Testing the Bell Curve
Statistics & Probability Science Fair Project
Can you predict the probability of a marble falling into a certain slot? Find out with this fun experiment!
The Big Mac Economy
Statistics & Probability Science Fair Project
Ever wondered why the Big Mac costs different amounts in different countries? Let's find out!
To Buy or Not to Buy
Statistics & Probability Science Fair Project
Are you trying to decide if it's better to buy or rent a house? This project will help you figure out which is the better financial decision for different incomes.
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