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1000 Science Fair Projects with Complete Instructions

Human Anatomy is the study of the body and its parts, like bones, muscles, and organs. By learning about our anatomy, we can understand how our bodies work and stay healthy!
Does Smell Affect Taste?
Human anatomy Science Fair Project
Can you tell the difference between an apple and a pear without using your nose? Find out in this fun experiment!
Taste With Your Nose
Human anatomy Science Fair Project
Can you guess the flavor of a candy without using your sense of smell? Find out in this fun science experiment!
Comparing Response Time
Human anatomy Science Fair Project
Who can catch a ruler faster - boys or girls? Find out in this fun experiment!
Singers and Cold Water
Human anatomy Science Fair Project
Do singers sound better after drinking cold water? Find out in this fun science project!
Discovering Your Blind Spot
Human anatomy Science Fair Project
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a blind spot? Find out by performing a simple experiment to discover your own blind spot!
Can We Tell Gender by Feet?
Human anatomy Science Fair Project
Can you tell if someone is a boy or a girl just by looking at their feet? Let's find out!
The Erosion of Tooth Enamel
Human anatomy Science Fair Project
Does drinking soft drinks cause tooth erosion? Find out in this science project!
Exploring Gender and Smell
Human anatomy Science Fair Project
Let's find out if there are differences in how males and females perceive smells!
Does Gender Affect Resting Pulse Rate?
Human anatomy Science Fair Project
Do boys and girls have different resting pulse rates? Find out in this fun experiment!
Measuring Lung Capacity
Human anatomy Science Fair Project
Find out if people have different lung capacities by blowing up balloons!
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