Can we stop tsunamis from destroying our coastlines? In this science project, we will build a tsunami simulator and test different barriers to see which one is the most effective.
Does the height of your ceiling affect the temperature of your room? Find out in this science project!
Learn how wood changes size when exposed to different levels of humidity!
Can you build a dome that can withstand a lot of weight? Find out in this science project!
In this science project, you will compare the thermal insulation of air, sand, and Styrofoam to see which one can keep water warm the longest.
Does the type of sand you use to make bricks affect how durable they are? Find out in this science project!
How do skyscrapers withstand the force of wind? Build model skyscrapers and find out!
Learn how humidity affects the size of different types of wood by measuring and drying them in an oven!
Learn how to build bridges that can hold a lot of weight using triangles and squares!
Can you build a house that can withstand an earthquake? Find out by testing different building materials in this science project!
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