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1000 Science Fair Projects with Complete Instructions

Chemistry is the study of matter, which is everything around us! Chemists learn about what things are made of, how they react with each other, and how we can use them to improve our lives, such as in food science, technology and reducing environmental pollution.
Explosive Elephant Toothpaste
General Chemistry Science Fair Project
Get ready to create a massive, bubbling tube of toothpaste using only hydrogen peroxide, yeast and dish soap!
Extracting Metals with Displacement
General Chemistry Science Fair Project
Learn how to extract metals from ore using displacement reactions! See which metals are more reactive and which are less reactive.
Frozen Lava Lamp Fun
General Chemistry Science Fair Project
Create your own frozen lava lamp with colorful ice cubes and watch as mesmerizing colored water globules dance in clear oil.
Fun with Dry Ice
General Chemistry Science Fair Project
Learn how to make a balloon inflate, a film can pop, and a spoon sing with dry ice!
Geode Rock Borax Crystal
General Chemistry Science Fair Project
Make your own sparkling geode rock crystals at home with Borax and see science in action!
Glitter Lava Lamp Magic
General Chemistry Science Fair Project
Create your own mesmerizing lava lamp with glitter and antacid tablets! Watch as colorful bubbles dance and sparkle, revealing the fascinating science behind this magical experiment.
Glow Sticks: Temperature Effects
General Chemistry Science Fair Project
Let's explore how temperature affects the light from glow sticks!
Glow-in-the-Dark Lava Lamp
General Chemistry Science Fair Project
Create a mesmerizing glow-in-the-dark lava lamp that looks like a swirling snowstorm of colors!
Glowing in the Dark
General Chemistry Science Fair Project
Have you ever wondered how to make glow-in-the-dark stickers glow longer?
Grow Your Own Crystal Garden
General Chemistry Science Fair Project
Create a beautiful crystal garden with just a few simple ingredients and a little patience!
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