34 Water Experiments
Ever wondered how water can break rocks? Discover the power of ice in this exciting experiment on weathering!
Create your own frozen lava lamp with colorful ice cubes and watch as mesmerizing colored water globules dance in clear oil.
Let's explore how salt and temperature affect the surface tension of water!
Let's explore how hot and cold water affects the movement of water!
Have you ever wondered what happens when you add salt or sugar to water? Find out in this science project!
Let's explore how much water plants lose through transpiration and see if bigger leaves mean more water loss!
Science makes it possible to cook spaghetti in just a minute! Soak it first, then cook in a flash. Save the planet while enjoying your favorite dish!
Do you want to find out how to make Alka-Seltzer tablets dissolve faster? Join us in this science project to find out!
Does Gatorade give kids more energy? Find out by testing the pulse rates of seventh graders while exercising after drinking Gatorade or water!
Can you figure out how water temperature affects the size of a tornado? Join us in this experiment to find out!
Learn how to use electricity to split water into hydrogen and chlorine gas!
Do singers sound better after drinking cold water? Find out in this fun science project!
Have you ever wondered if peanuts can be used to heat water? Find out in this fun science project!
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you put a boiling hot can in cold water? Find out in this science project!
Can you keep ice from melting without a cooler box? Find out how reflective containers can help!
Is the water from a water cooler really more bacteria-filled than tap water? Find out in this science project!
Let's explore how the boiling point of water changes in different conditions!
Take a closer look at the amazing creatures living in a drop of water from a lake or pond!
Can you make a pipe cleaner foil bug walk on water? Find out with this engineering challenge by building your own water strider and exploring the science of surface tension.
In this science project, you will compare the thermal insulation of air, sand, and Styrofoam to see which one can keep water warm the longest.
Find out which materials are the best insulators and how they affect the temperature of boiling water!
Do you want to know which water repellent works best? Find out by comparing Rain-X and Aquapel in this science project!
Learn how to make water safe to drink using sunlight and plastic bottles!
Let's find out how much pollution our local bodies of water can take before it becomes unsafe!
Are urban areas more polluted than rural areas? Join us as we compare two creeks flowing from the same snowpack to find out!
Let's explore how acid rain affects our environment in a fun and creative way!
Come explore the wetland and discover the different types of pollution that can affect the water and the plants and animals that live in it!
Let's find out if older houses have more lead in their drinking water than newer houses!
Learn how to keep our water clean and safe with this fun science project!
Are you curious about which method of water purification is the most efficient? Join us as we explore the differences between filtration, distillation, and solar pasteurization!
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